Note: The Project Flawless website is under development. Check back soon!

Project Flawless sign

In the meantime, you can join the Project Flawless Discord server to:

By the way, you should check out the new Minecraft server we made! It's still hosted in a free service named Aternos, so would find any donation means so that we can fund the server costs!

To join the Minecraft server, reply in the #requests channel in the Discord server with your Minecraft Java username, not Bedrock. (we will make an option for Bedrock users to join via GeyserMC server plugin for crossplay after we move the server to a paid solution.)

Shoutout to the one and only @TheTamers12345!

We feel overwhelmed and happy that you acknowledged our community's efforts!

Tamers in Twitter acknowledges Project Flawless

Last, but not the least, here's an image of Flawless's reaction of the website not being ready yet:

Flawless Sparklemoon is shocked on getting glasses